Docufind partners with fine art, antique and jewellery valuers based across the UK to guarantee the best possible price and service for those special and unique items. We work closely with Lawyers, Executors, Trustees and the General Public to provide written valuation reports for either probate or potential sale through auction.
If the Estate is close to or over the Inheritance Tax threshold it is important to have the general and household goods (chattels) valued, even if you think there is nothing of value in order to avoid any potential scrutiny by Inland Revenue.
If you do not take these steps it opens up the likelihood of the Revenue questioning how an Executor had calculated the values. He could receive penalties for negligence in this matter and a possible investigation of the whole Estate, causing lengthy delays.
We value personal possessions or chattels including fine art, antiques, jewellery and general household contents.
The rise and fall in all categories of the art market makes it difficult for Executors or owners to know the value of their possessions.
Later on down the line, if you would like assistance with clearing the house, we work closely with a number of local clearance firms.
Our experience and independence ensure we are well placed to help clients wishing to sell at auction.
A mortgage valuation is a fairly brief document produced for the benefit of the lender. To assist in evaluating how much to lend against a property. It does not provide much useful information for the buyer. It is the lender’s own view of the market and provides very limited comment on the state or condition of the property.
We carry independent valuations as a panel member for various lenders, using online mortgage valuation reports.
All HomeBuyer Reports are in official RICS pre-printed format.
This report is relevant to newer or conventional property. The homebuyer report allows you to evaluate whether the agreed purchase price is reasonable based on the extent of repairs and maintenance required and the degree of urgency, together with any requirements for specialist reports or additional investigation.
The homebuyer report allows you to evaluate whether you wish to continue with the transaction at the currently agreed price prior to exchange of contracts.
Homebuyer Reports are provided either with or without a market valuation, but all include a rebuilding cost estimate for insurance purposes.
A building survey is a more comprehensive inspection of a property than a homebuyer report. It is particularly advisable for older buildings or buildings in poor repair.
The inspection includes the roof, externally and internally.
Walls and foundations are checked for settlement, structural movement or other defects. Timber is checked for woodworm, wet rot and dry rot.
Damp levels are checked throughout the building.
Visual inspection of services is carried out but no tests are carried out.
The grounds are inspected and any local risks noted.
A full environmental survey may be recommended. A full assessment of defects together with cost estimates based on the BCIS Index can be provided on request.